Our video choice; Paramore-Conspiracy

Tuesday 24 November 2009


DVD disk label

Insert page of DVD

DVD cover

Music Video

Preperation of the rose

I used a Nikon D200 SLR and I also used a tripod and remote.
The background was simply a black piece of material which was pinned to my wall.
To hold the rose in place I used oasis in a jug of water.
I had to make sure that the camera did not move at all, so the photos would not be different. To make sure that the camera did not move and go out of focus I used a remote to take the photos so that even the vibration of the camera did not move the placement.

Photoshop editing of the rose

To follow the theme of our narrative we have decided to put the rose in black and white except the rose head this fitted with the ‘arty’ look that was constant through our video.

For the photos of the rose to look professional, I have decided to edit each photo one by one using Photoshop. This required a lot of patients and hard work.
First I uploaded photo 1 onto a new blank background. I then using the magic wand tool select the outside of the rose and used the erase colour tool, this on a short cut was: Ctrl Shift U. I did this to make it quicker than pressing on the colour settings. This erased the background colour which left me with an off black background.
To make the stork and leafs of the rose in black and white. I had to select the area using the magnetic lasso tool, making sure that I did not select the rose head as this was staying in colour. Then when selected I used the Ctrl Shirt U key to erase the colour this left the rose stork ad leafs grey. I then zoomed into the photograph using the + sign on the keyboard to find any areas that I did not select. I used the magic wand to correct the areas I missed.
This is the before and after of editing the photographs


After editing photos 1-131 I imported them into Adobe Premier Elements